With no nicks or scratches, the frame was in perfect condition. Perfect! One less step I would have to do. I recently got the Sure Cuts A Lot software for my Cricut. Oh my goodness....what have I done without this software all of my life??? I won't ever have to buy a font cartridge again! I downloaded several spooky looking fonts* from DaFont and got started designing.
Once I was happy with the words, I used my Cricut to cut everything out on cheap Contact paper. I laid it all out before committing and sticking everything down.
Since it was too late last night to paint my project, I went to bed and dreamed happy spray painting dreams until this morning. After dropping my daughter off at school, I used Valspar's "Frosting" spray paint to frost the open spaces on the glass. Then, the hard part, waiting for the paint to dry. After I lifted the letters off, I was left with a very sticky situation! Most of the sticky part remained on the glass. Yuck! Thank goodness for Goo Gone! I spent about an hour or so scrubbing all the sticky residue off. When it was finally off, I gave the glass a good washing and put some orange paper behind the glass and snapped it all back together. This is the final product...
I apologize for this picture, this project was very hard to photograph! In the right light, this looks really cool, and I love that I can change the back paper to suit my moods!* The fonts I used were: Yard Sale, Juice ITC, Mars Attacks, She Creature, Lunacy More, Trick or Treat BV and Jack Lantern BB
This project has been entered in the Halloween Extravaganza over at The CSI Challenge

Oh my goodness! I love this idea, like a reverse subway art. So smart! I wish I could throw this together, I have the perfect window. But I don't have a machine. Drat!